Side Effect Prediction of Drugs

Introduction We have developed an Artificial Intelligence model which is one of the best applications of AI (Artificial Intelligence) for pharmaceutical companies. This model take drug names as inputs and according to chemical and biological...

Neural Connect 4

In your childhood days, you might have played the popular game called 'Connect 4'. This game was very interesting while we are playing with our friends because of its interesting rules. If you haven't...

Object Counting and RNN

Object Detection and Tracking In this tutorial you will learn how to build a “people counter” with OpenCV and Python. Using OpenCV, we’ll count the number of people who are heading “Down” or “Up”...

Face Recognition using OpenCV

OpenCV is the most popular library for computer vision. Originally written in C/C++, it now provides bindings for Python. OpenCV uses machine learning algorithms to search for faces within a picture. Because faces are so...

Image Recognition using TensorFlow

Today, I am going to discuss about image recognition in python using some of the python basic libraries. We will do image recognition on Fashion MNIST dataset which is quite popular. Let's proceed. Now, first...

Neural Networks and Back Propagation

Any complex system can be abstracted in a simple way. Complexity arises by the accumulation of several simple layers. The goal of this post, is to explain how neural networks work with the most...

Logistic Regression

Hello friends, today i am gonna discuss about one of the key concept in supervised learning. Supervised learning is the training a model on defined datasets. In the section of supervised learning, there are...

Chat Bot

We see chatbots popping up all over the place, but how can we use them to directly benefit ourselves? Maybe you want to learn a different language by having a conversation. How about having...

[SOLVED] – Cpanel Stucked as GRUB after reboot

I recently encountered ERROR on my cpanel server after update and reboot. It got stuck at grub. all you need to do is the following ls for founding the hard has exist grub2 like ls (hd3,gpt2)/grub2 then > set...

Chrome – The RAM Hogger Rhyme

This is still so true